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Greetings Pet  Parents ~

Bella our mascot
dog and ball.png

One of the concerns of pet guardians and parents is the care of their fur babies should something change a home lifestyle if a pet gets lost or needs to be rehomed because of extenuating circumstances.


Microchips are great technology; but did you know that the only thing a microchip reveals is the microchip number assigned to the pet? From there, the user must identify the microchip company from the number displayed.

Valley Ranch Pet Clinic scanner reading.png

Image courtesy of Valley Ranch Pet Clinic located in Irving, Texas.

Once that information is tracked down, the information disclosed is the name, address and phone number of the pet owner.  This all takes precious time when your poor fur baby is in extreme stress not only with strangers; but also if your pet has health issues or special needs that no one knows about.  

dog receiving emergency care

Did you know that there are dozens of microchip companies and it takes time for a shelter, first responders, or veterinarian to figure out which chip company the numbered code they get on their chip reader deciphers to get that vital information on your pet?


Did you know that a large percentage of pet parents forget or don't bother to register their contact information for their beloved pet? We're not blaming anyone, we're just pointing out facts.

Sad dog

So what can we do to help save your pet's life if it gets lost or if something happens to you and the pet is placed in a shelter or with a rescue?

Elderly loves his dog

What vital information would you want a caregiver to know in case of an emergency to keep your pet safe, healthy, and as happy as possible in a stressful situation?

dog in cage

We worry, too. That's why we've developed a simple solution that will help you for a "just in case" time to help protect your beloved pet's well-being, chipped or not chipped.

old dog needs human care

We've created a special flash drive health and care information name tag.

It's a great addition even if your dog has a regular name tag with your contact information because it is much more! It's created to accompany any name tag just in case you can't be reached; or if something terrible has happened and so your pet's vital information is accessible immediately.

My PAWS ID flash drive emergency tag

What makes this flash drive special?

  1. Easy snap clip design attaches to collar slip ring.

  2. Sleek design makes it more difficult to get hung up in the house on things like heat registers and furniture.

  3. Sturdy metal

  4. It's small enough so it doesn't overwhelm even the little guys.  Size: 1.5 inches long by 1/2 inch wide

  5. Lightweight

  6. Our logo on the front and the label on the back tells a finder to look inside for vital health and care information . . .


The flash drive emergency information tag gives your pet an extra advantage in addition to just a name tag or ID chip.

Why the My PAWS ID?

Dual USB 3.1 Type C & USB 3.1 Type A connectors that work with many devices and there is 32GB of data storage capability.

My PAWS ID close up

What's on this flash drive that is so important?

This is where we become a team. Yes, you, My PAWS ID, and your pet work together to create a vital information file.


This is the fun part. It's kind of like creating your pet's personal journal and furever life story - "A Day in the Life" ~


And . . . we've made it super easy!


When you access your flash drive, this is what you'll see . . .

figure 1 Wix illustration.jpg

Figure 1 - What's on your flash drive.

  • My PAWS ID FILE BOX is a folder to store details about your pet (see below)

  • RESCUE INFORMATION FOLDER is for fosters, rescues, and shelters to document information about their ward.

  • 1st Instructions - Start Here has detailed instructions to guide you along.

  • 2nd - Emergency Information About My Pet is the most important document. A simple fill-able PDF for someone to use to know how to contact you, another emergency contact, veterinarian, etc. as well as important medicines and feeding information.

  • PASSWORD INFORMATION CARD is a fill-able PDF with the names of contacts you have given password information to for unlocking any password protected files on the flash drive.


Emergency Information About My Pet PDF is what anyone can access to provide your pet with immediate medical, feeding, and behavior information.


It looks like this:

My PAWS ID sample page 1 of Emergency Information About My Pet PDF

Figure 2 - the My PAWS ID Emergency Pet Profile PDF

Add and update information as you see fit.

This is what emergency personnel will access  from the flash drive to contact you, your vet, or whomever you name as a priority contact person in order to care for your pet.

The RESCUE INFORMATION FOLDER is specially designed for shelters, rescue, and foster guardians.



Specifically designed to create a meaningful profile for shelter, foster, and

rescue pets going to their forever homes.

This is what is in the My PAWS ID FILE BOX:

Figure 4.jpg

Figure 4  - The My PAWS ID FILE BOX contains folders for Estate Care Instructions, Pet Medical Records from your vet, Pet Photos, Pet Videos, and a Training-Pedigree-and Show Even Records.

In addition, there are four fill-able PDFs to give every detail imaginable about your pet; and . . .

There is a special PASSWORD TO SHARE WITH AUTHORIZED CONTACTS card for you to share with your designated password holder in case you are unreachable.

This flash drive is capable of holding 32GB of information so you have a lot of data and information you can add for years as your pet grows. It's like keeping a lifetime journal with so much more for your pet's well-being.


Each fill-able PDF is easy to use. You'll be able to include as much information as you desire, including favorite treats, toys, medications and notes about reactions, allergies, groomers, trainers, and even your pet's daily routines.

Figure 5 Pet Videos.png

Figure 5 - Inside the PET VIDEOS folder.

With 32GB of flash drive storage, and special folders, you can include tons of videos, photos, medical records, estate directives, or anything you want in your My PAWS ID FILE BOX. Best of all, this file can easily be encrypted and password protected by you with your pet's micro-chip number or any secure code held by your vet or family so only someone who has access to that code can access this private information.

Figure 6 Inside the SHOW DOG file

Figure 6 - Inside the TRAINING PEDIGREE AND EVENT folder.

YOU decide the level of security on the more private information files by setting your own password encryption code.

Why on earth would I want to do this?

The answer is so simple . . . because you love your pet to the moon and back. Because if anything unforeseen happens to you like a car accident, weather disaster, emergency, or any other tragedy; this is the time your pet really needs and depends on you for its well-being and happiness.

What if you're away and your pet is rescued from a house fire?

What if you're in a car accident and your pet is found or taken to animal control while you go to the emergency room?

What if a neighbor, friend, or family member needs to know how to care for your pet?

Let's just make this easy and say this to your pet . . .  "I promise to take care of you. No matter what, I got your back."

and, don't forget the felines in your life, . . .

Aquarium with My PAWS ID emergency care flas drive tag

or to hang a My PAWS ID with instructions on the care of your aquarium pets!

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